Homeowner Workplace Safety in a Website

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Dave Dahr on Safety Articles

David Dahr, author of Protection in a Handbook a homeowner's guide to workplace safety, as a follow up to the research done on behalf of the Nova Scotia Government he acted on one of the recommendations of a report he helped to create which was to provide homeowners with some safety tips. These were offered to several local retail building supply companies and rental companies for free to hand out to their customers. David has decided to share a few of these with you by providing them at no charge as downloadable items in Portable Document File (PDF) format.

If you own or manage a hardware store, please, by all means, contact David to discuss providing hard copies of these and other similar leaflets to your customers. We can even work together to attach your branding.

Home Sense on Workplace Safety

A series of workplace safety related articles by David Dahr appear in a local publication starting in 2009 under the title "Home Sense on Workplace Safety". David has collated them into one document and is now providing them to you at no cost.

Home Sense on Workplace Safety articles in PDF format.

Public Research by David Dahr

David authored a report on Safety in the residential construction and renovation sector with others including E. Grant MacDonald, an Associate Professor at Dalhousie University, for the The Department of Labour and Workforce Development Province of Nova Scotia. This report was sanctioned by Dalhousie University and was entitled Working Safely Today for a Better Tomorrow.

News Items

A collection of news media references relating to the general themes of this website with emphasis on homeowner liability.

Global News story about the First ever jail sentence handed to a Nova Scotia workplace safety offender.

David's appearance on the Maritimes Today television show.

Former British Columbia premier Gordon Campbell was found responsible in the death of a contractor working on Mr. Campbell's home.

CBC Toronto story about the criminal court sentencing of a construction project manager after a fatal scaffolding collapse

Workplace Safety History

The following hyperlinks lead to various articles and other information on the history or current status of workplace safety. Please note the obvious: These are external links.

Work Site Safety Contract

In his book about workplace safety and liability for the homeowners, author David Dahr discusses the importance of delegating safety responsibilities to a properly trained contractor. In order to help readers of the book and visitors to this website just now learning about the subject, David has drawn up a 15 point construction safety contract. This contract is suitable for a homeowner to have a contractor sign. It will delegate all of the safe work practices and controls to the contractor and give you a written record from the contractor that workers brought to your property have appropriate safety training. This contract may be downloaded from this website at no charge in Portable Document File (PDF) format. (Other formats may be available upon request.)

Work Site Safety Contract in PDF format.